
Monday, February 12, 2024

Sovereign AI

In 2024, the utility of words yielding philosophical clarity that becomes embedded into the design of systems being deployed globally, and Nationally, yields methods that must be structured accurately in order to abide by the Sovereign systems they serve.

In America, people own root authority, or the Sovereign infrastructure does not confer accuracy for, of, by human use. Data is the life blood of AI systems. Data structure yields Sovereign results, and across our fast advancing world, inaccuracy deconstructs faster than accuracy builds accurately. The time has come for open transparent accuracy in the data structure of Soveriegnty itself to be laid bare, enabling the development of "Sovereign AI" upon foundations that serve people.

Many moons ago, this structural conversation began in the world of identity management. Professionally-deployed systems were challenged to confront inaccuracies in their modeling of human identity. Ubiquitously, people were no longer being conveyed structural constraints ensuring the structural accuracy of their root administrative authority over data systems of ultimate importance to their Sovereign participation and administration under well-founded laws that were crafted pre-tcp/ip, pre-digital data.

Identity systems have been challenged now for over 20 years to align their practices to the people they service. The work is not done. Self-Sovereign ID principles that emerged here on this blog, led to decentralized identity methods and practices advancing for developer use, and into general awareness by a population that is intensely interested in digital frontiers where their lives meet opportunity, security, and civil system integrity. The fire walls of Sovereign integrity, having been breached many times in consequential ways, started exposing their own structural deficiencies.

Enter AI: human identity that primarily exists in a database-driven system, and is founded on an old-era of physical presence, is now the domain of AI. Human beings can not compete structurally here, as AI derives utility that people provide, and far too often, provide ignorantly, without much personal insight or accountability for the structural choices conveyed upon them. Laws, as dependencies function, evolve at a much slower pace, and seem to lack insight into the structural underpinnings of identity silos that tcp/ip was advanced to break down and add utility too. Unfortunately, protections were not advanced with the same insight, and civil society is finding itself in a reactive mode, reacting to change like a surfer riding a wave, rather than a break wall securing civil participation in an AI-enabled society.

This is the moment. AI Sovereignty has a basic and tremendously important dependency in American civil society: people own root. 

If the data structure of human participation in America does not convey this basic structural reality, then people do not exist in a civil society, as defined by founding documents, intent, and Constitutional reach. Work is underway on this vector, and as always, the resulting choices and structures advanced will yield the results being pursued. The question on the table being asked is simple: do innovators understand what it means in structural Terms to ensure that people own root authority? 

"Own Your Own AI"

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