
Friday, August 31, 2018

We Never Agreed To Be Owned

We people never Agreed to be owned. Not as physical or data objects, artifacts of law, beings or abstractions of any type... "Human Rights" are not done to humans, they are guaranteed by humans.

Slavery has two sides of guilt, at least. The proposer, and the receiver. The taker and the taken.

The dark secret of slavery is that it is allowed... by humans, all.

Live Free Or Die

Welcome to America.


We hold these truths to be self-evident... self-Sovereign logic rules.

All men are created equal... say no more. Self-Sovereign men, all.

When did owning humans start making sense in THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? [hint: in the dead past]

Enter the Labor Department.

Take a number.

The moment you acquiesce to the process of taking a number, you are owned. Slaves make slaves of themselves. This self-evident truth is available throughout human history. You will find the bones of unslaveable men at the bottom of every ocean. Survival makes choices. Prosperity makes choices.

Humans make choices; self-Sovereign choices.

America was invented by self-Sovereign choices. John Hancock made his choice LARGE so a King and history wouldn't miss it.

When did the process of putting signatory to paper, Sovereign source signatory, cease to be an Individual Right? When did Johnny Hancock get permission to make a Sovereign choice on my behalf? When did "Civil Society" choose to enforce the process of its own administration upon people as babies lacking the capacity for Sovereign source signatory authority?

Identity that matters on planet Earth is root identity at the point of systemic administration with Sovereign Nations and their agents, assigned their Rights of operation by the Sovereign State enforcing the laws of its territory on the Earth. Human Rights are not optional, unless people stand for being abused. LIVE FREE OR DIE.

It is, and always has been, in the best interest of civil Society to administer Human Rights by default respect into the fabric of the bureaucracy operating the machinery of the Government directly accountable to the People, its owners, duly Represented in various methods of parliamentary proceedings and rules of consensus as Nations may use from time to time.

Labor is essential to the establishment of a more perfect Union.

Structures yield results, and history is littered with tales of exploitation, weakness, endurance, revolution, and prosperity. The whole process is human. It is permitted, it is pursued.

Human Individuals are self-Sovereign actors. So long as no law is broken, and no harm is done to their fellow man, there is no reason any person should ever need to consult anyone to make choices, survive and prosper on this planet. No invention of the mind is prohibited in any fashion, and the creative pursuit of happiness is guaranteed to all mankind. If you disagree, declare your position out loud. Generations need to stand for something. Being American is worth standing for.

Americans are self-Sovereign.

Our administration as Americans begins with self-Sovereign signatories documenting our self-provisioned ownership of our personal asset structure, and pledging our civic allegiance to the Sovereign Nation within which our self-Sovereign Rights are guaranteed.

ANYONE that disagrees should say so out loud. Its not optional.

There is a confidence in being an American citizen that was born and raised in the heartlands of this Sovereign Nation. We People know what we are made of. Our self-Sovereign stock is rooted in this world. We do not ask permission to prosper, we declare it so, and we back it up when necessary. And correctly, not until.

Silicon Valley is a phrase for a region of highly intelligent people in America. They know who they are. They are known. They sit on top of a machine that is going to take over the world, whether you let it or not. They know this. Being smart, they also know they have a choice to make about what that means.

At some point, they will know what to do. They will understand how to connect Humanity to the machine in the most effective manner, and they will experience the exponential gains of power this harmony produces. Regardless of the need to give this moment of choice a name, it will change the world forever.

You must own you, and never cease.

Any other condition, whereby you are owned in one contractual form or another, or under no contractual form, is sub-optimal to the well-being of Humanity.

Direct ownership of personal asset value is the beginning of civil Society.

ID is the primary key of administration in civil Society.

Self-Sovereign ID authority is the root of civil Society.

Any Society claiming to be civil, but lacking a self-Sovereign ID method, process, artifact, demonstration, protocol, can not accurately be deemed as such.

Every civil Society on this planet SHOULD declare the Universal support for baseline Rights administration using any form of self-Sovereign ID. It matter not whether a person appear from the deepest aboriginal forests, or from war-torn lands where terrorists roam, a process of administering Human Rights must exist in every civil Society, and self-Sovereign ID must be useful to open its doors to such Rights.

Security and Freedom must find their balance in time, and vigilance will always be required to defend both. There is never going to be a good time to sleep on the job. Get it in your heads.

We the People of civil Society, in order to form more perfect Unions establish laws, and mechanisms to support one another in our time of need. Justice, righting wrongs, protecting assets, empowering opportunity, these are the reasons we gather, love, build, prosper.

We hold these truths to be self-evident.

You are self-Sovereign.

Act like it.

Sign Here

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