
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Laws Are For People, Not Birth Certificates

Laws are for people, not birth certificates.

Examine that.


Have you ever done business with a court room? Have you ever interacted with a legal contract? Assuming that you are accurately defined as "people", [enter definition here], tell me about the time that you and the "Law" got it on? Exactly what happened? Omit no detail. Every single word and interaction, play it back in your mind's eye. Conjure a vision..

How quickly did "You" the person give up your birth certificate data? Did you give it? Was it taken from you? Any particular data get collected that previously did not exist on your birth certificate?

What is that stuff? All that data, what is that?

Laws are for people, not birth certificates.

What is a birth certificate under the Law? What owns a birth certificate? Who owns a birth certificate? What relationship do you, the person, have to your birth certificate?

Cattle are branded. Live stock under management, get owned, branded, processed, leveraged, serviced, used. A cattle management system uses ID data to manage the life of a cow.

Are you branded by your birth certificate? Are "people" under management by our Government, ie THE ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM providing its functions based on the primary key of ID == PEOPLE?

If Constitutional Laws are for People, not Birth Certificates, THEN is ID literally un-Constitutional?

Is this a legal issue? Un, defined.

As the "Law" is for "People" defined by "Birth Certificates" and correlated "ID" "Data", how in all conscious integrity can it be rationalized that "People", under Article 10 of the Constitution (at the least), are not the self-Sovereign ID authority representing their "Person" in ALL LEGAL TRANSACTIONS IN CIVIL SOCIETIES? It seems like a baseline constraint of "Constitutional" integrity under the law.

Capitalization is included for formalization. These are "TERMS" of "Agreement" within the "legal" spaces where administered "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" are present and accounted for by existence itself, of people.

Citizens in America do not exist "under the law" at their origination. There is a moment, no matter how brief or long, in which people exist, unfettered of any legal bondage, requirement, statute, administered process. Humans are born "Free". By our "Agreement" as citizens, the laws "of, by and for" the citizens of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA are established. This birth of ID, or certification of birth of a live person, is the foundation of Humanity having administered Rights, and the principles of "Human Freedom and Security" get actualized by methods.

Any system or process that denies innate Human Rights, or fails to acknowledge the human reality of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" by people on this planet, can not rise to the standard that "civil" Society must require.

Oppressive systems deny Human Rights, not Constitutional laws.

Are Constitutional Laws for people, and their representations as self-Sovereign ID under human authority in all "legal" transactions? Or are all ID transactions not "legal" representations of people under Constitutional Law? Or is the law a perversion of observable reality that people have with the administration of their lives under the law, such that people no longer can know who/what/when they are in relation to the Rights they possess as citizens or humans until such time as they have retained counsel to explain it to them?

Do lawyers take the law seriously? Do they acknowledge holes in the law? Is legal "ID" full of holes?

Observational reality... or at least the pile of data breach warnings on my own desk, each bound to my "legal ID" or "birth certificate" data, each offering me "FREE" credit monitoring service on the various credit reports that have been generated from my "birth certificate" data, as well as all reasonably accurate "legal transactions" that my "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" produced over the years... would seem to suggest that my boat sank and I am personally shit out of luck.

How about my kid? Shit out of luck too. Doesn't take long.. there was mail waiting for my baby person, or at least my baby's birth certificate data, when we arrived home from the hospital 3 days after birth.

Methods matter; identification in a "civil" Society requires Constitutional protection and integrity. People are defined by the ID they process in their life. This correlation is scaling. Information management systems are powerful tools in modern Society. Modern Society still purports, and has the legal obligation, to function under Constitutional Law.

John Hancock once wrote it big for a King, and perhaps every administrative system that Sovereignty governs... We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all mankind is created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Human Rights, among these self-Sovereign life, liberty and pursuit of happiness by Individual people. Governing systems are defined to exist to guarantee those Rights belonging to people.

The Law is for people, not birth certificates. People, as data subjects, need Constitutional definition of their Rights as humans, citizens and people who are capable of understanding common sense.

Lets get started administering that reality.

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